
Hair transplant FAQ with Dr. Max: Where are you located? Maxim Medical, Miami, Florida.

ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Transplant at Maxim Medical, 2300 FUE Grafts. Hollywood, Fl


ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Transplant at Maxim Medical, 2000 FUE Grafts. Plan...


2300 FUE NeoGraft Hair Transplant Procedure, Boca Raton, FL

Call us for free consultation! (954)945-2909, (833) MOR-HAIR R. from Orlando came to us at Maxim Medical because he was looking for a permanent hair loss solution. In his case, Dr Max Chumak recommended him Neograft suction-assisted Hair transplant, which provides permanent results

FUE ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration. 1000 Grafts. Maxim Medical, Halla...

How #DrMax restored R. hair with the help of #NeoGraft suction-assisted system. #FUE Hair Transplant Procedure makes dreams come true! Treatment: NeoGraft® Hair Restoration Purpose: Treat male/female pattern hair loss and bring back a fuller head of hair How It Works: NeoGraft® utilizes minimally-invasive and precise technology to extract and transplant grafts, without creating linear scars Results: Permanent, natural-looking results Note: Individual results may vary Phone: 954-945-2909 Email: md.chumak Website: Location: 551 N Federal Hwy, Suite 800, Fort Lauderdale, FL Time of Procedure: Depends on the amount of hair restoration required but generally 6-10 hours Recovery: Most are able to resume regular activities within 48 hours Caution: As with any kind of surgery, transplants have some risks, such as bleeding or infection Pain Level: Mild-moderate. Patients tend to experience slight discomfort when local anesthetic is first admini...